I have been taking photos longer than I care to remember. My eye doctor told me that my "camera is my paint brush." I have one good eye and one bad due to a torn retina.
My reason for “titling” my cards is in honor of Wallace Nutting, a New England photographer who hand colored his black and white photos. He was a furniture maker also.
As, Whitney Houston used to sing so well, “One Moment in Time”. I do not photoshop. My nephew, Matthew, named me “Aunt Song and Dancy” many years ago. A tune always comes to mind.
I went the digital route some years ago with Nikon SLR but many of the prints for my cards are from 35m film. Back in the early days of The Garden of Ideas in Ridgefield, CT was my inspiration and still is. Some of my favorite cards were were taken at "The Garden."
I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to share my passion for photography. I still believe a hand written card is a pleasure to receive in this high tech age, a civility. Let's keep it going.