Sunday in the park with Grandpa…

John and I have always felt that our property is “park-like.” Some old timers called it “Brennan Corner,” but I prefer “Brennan Park.”

This Sunday, Grandpa John and I were pruning and weeding when I captured these beautiful images.


My love for gardening…

I was recently, after 40+ years in town, inducted to The Caudatowa Garden Club. I have learned so much and have been so inspired during my short membership.

I first learned to love gardening from my Grandmother, Jennie Ellingham, who passed on her love on to her two daughters—my mother Margaret and her sister Hazel. I still have my Grandmother Jennie’s irises (which are as white as her hair) and my Aunt Hazel’s coral bells and dainty hosta.

So, of course, I loved that my Granddaughter Nellie planted string beans with me, and helped me prune the allium. I so wished I had remembered to sing, “Inch by inch, row by row…” next time.

Pollinator Pathway was started in 2008, by Sarah Bergman, from Seattle. It has grown enormously since then. I keep a pesticide free garden to keep our special resources alive. So do many others too. The Caudatowa and Ridgefield Garden Clubs support their mission as do most towns in Fairfield County. Let’s hope it continues to grow.

I wonder who first said, “a picture is worth a thousand words?” I couldn’t find the answer on Google. Anyhow, I certainly know I’m happy to be a part of the “pollinator pathway” and am happy to share these moments.


If you would like any of these images printed, framed, or even placed into a custom card - drop me a line!

Thanks for reading,
